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The Park-Hotel “Orlovsky” offers a variety of entertainment for guests of all ages. One of the popular types of entertainment is fishing.

We invite fishing enthusiasts to spend time outdoors in Orlovsky and enjoy a rich catch and unique trophies. If you plan to stay for a few days, we can organize a night fishing trip for you and your friends. We will organize a comfortable stay and provide high-quality equipment.

Fishing time: from 5 am to 8 pm.

If time is money, then the richest people are fishermen!

A vacation in the Orlovsky Park Hotel is not only an opportunity to enjoy the silence and beauty of nature near Moscow, but also a great opportunity to spend time with benefit for fishing enthusiasts. The reservoir of the park hotel is full of different species of fish, which makes fishing not only exciting, but also fruitful.

Regardless of your level and experience, our instructors will help you choose the right equipment and share useful tips. There will also be modern gazebos and comfortable areas for relaxation by the water for the whole family.

Spend an unforgettable time in partnership with nature and in complete harmony with fishing in the Orlovsky Park Hotel. We will gladly help you create vivid impressions and unforgettable moments of our vacation.

Price list

Fishing trip price excluding equipment rental

For guests with accommodation

For guests without accommodation


2,500 rubles

3,000 rubles

Weekends and holidays

3,000 rubles

4,000 rubles

  • A fishing permit is paid for by visitors who have reached the age of 12. Guests who have paid for an entrance ticket to the territory of the Orlovsky Park Hotel can relax with the fisherman;
  • The cost of the permit includes: an entrance ticket to the territory and a catch of up to 3 kg. Catch in excess of the catch limit is paid additionally, according to the current price list. 
  • In case of undercatch or no caught fish, the cost of the permit is not refunded;
  • Releasing the caught fish is prohibited.

Additional services

Чтобы получить удовольствие от рыбалки, нужно не только поймать рыбу, но и правильно её обработать.

Мы предлагаем услуги по разделке улова: чистка и потрошение, вакуумизация, филетирование.

Так же предлагаем вам услугу по приготовлению и копчению улова поварами ресторана парк-отеля «Орловский».

Для оказания услуги необходимо подойти к администратору на месте, заполнить талон, указав контактные данные, передать рыбу администратору.

По указанному номеру телефона с вами свяжется сотрудник ресторанной службы для уточнения деталей по заказу. Обращайтесь и мы выполним работу на высшем уровне!

Price list for additional services

To enjoy fishing, you need not only to catch the fish, but also to process it properly.

We offer services for cutting the catch: cleaning and gutting, vacuuming, filleting.

We also offer you the service of cooking and smoking the catch by the chefs of the restaurant of the Orlovsky Park Hotel.

To receive the service, you need to go to the administrator on site, fill out a coupon indicating your contact information, and hand the fish to the administrator.

A restaurant service employee will contact you at the specified phone number to clarify the details of the order. Contact us and we will do the job at the highest level!